Kamis, 22 Maret 2012


Hello.. It's my first time for blogging..
I don't know exactly what am I going to write... XD
Just trying to share with you about my self, my hobbies, and any other little things..
I just love to draw, making video, photo, edit it, and bla bla bla.. All about ARTS!!

Arts is very very fantastic....
You can explore, imagine, and doing anything...
Arts is all what you want...
I'll post some of my projects....

I've made it by my self, using Adobe Illustrator..
That's the first font I've created by my self...
I love a colorful things.. Specially I love kids things, they're so cute and fun....
(feel so young if I play with them XD)

That's the logo of Marvelous Little Maestro that I've made in my internship in Jakarta about 2 years ago..
So much fun there...
But, the logo has been modified, and created more simple, with my boss :)
Yes, I know for a logo it has too much colors.... But I love it^^

yapss.... It's my first post, and I'll post more more more more and more article about me, or about anything I like... Enjoyyyyy... XD

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